Recreational Plus
BRSC Rec Plus provides the opportunity for recreational players 5 (U6) - 13 (U14) years of age to attend one or two practices conducted by professional BRSC Coaches. It is the perfect opportunity for recreational players to receive additional training during the season under the direction of certified coaches. Training sessions will help expand the player's understanding of the game and focus on age-appropriate skills and tactics.
Players wishing to participate in BRSC Recreational Soccer and BRSC Rec Plus will need to register for both programs.
Recreational Plus is only available at the Burbank Campus, at this time.
Recreational Plus (U5-U9) with Academy Program
The Recreational Plus with Academy Program is the option to attend one or two Academy training sessions each week conducted by professional BRSC Coaches. The cost for a recreational player to attend one training session (on Tuesday or Thursday) for ten (10) weeks, in addition to the recreational fee, is $185. The cost for a player to attend two training sessions on both Tuesday and Thursday each week for ten (10) weeks is $285. Recreational teams can also choose to participate as a group. It's a great way to get in extra training sessions under the professional tutelage of certified coaches.
Any questions regarding Recreational Plus with Academy Program, please contact Andy Smothermon.

Burbank Training Sessions
February - May
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays
5:00-6:30 pm (2014 Boys & 2014/15 Girls)
6:30-8:00 pm (2013 Boys & Girls)
Fields 25 & 26
Central Training Sessions
February - March
Mondays and Wednesdays
5:00-6:00 pm (1st & 2nd Graders)
Lovett Rd. Park
Zachary Training Sessions
February - March
Tuesdays and Thursdays
5:00-6:15 pm (1st - 4th Graders)
6:30-7:45 pm (5th Graders - High School)
Flanacher Rd. Park
The practice-only option for the BRSC Pre-Competitive program allows players to attend as many practice sessions as they wish during the fall or spring season. The cost to participate in Junior Competitive training sessions three (3) nights each week during the fall or spring season in addition to the recreational fee is $450.
Any questions regarding the practice-only option with our Pre-Competitive Program (U10) please contact us.
This season (2024-25 soccer year) we are only accepting registrations for girls Recreational Plus with the Junior Competitive Program

Recreational Plus with Competitive: (U11-U14)
BRSC Recreational Plus option with Competitive Program for U11-14 age groups is to attend two (2) Competitive training sessions each week during the fall and/or spring seasons. The cost to attend two (2) Competitive training sessions each week during the fall or spring season in addition to the recreational fee is $350 per season. The cost to attend one (1) Competitive training session each week during the fall or spring season in addition to the recreational fee is $185.
Questions regarding Recreational Plus with the Competitive Program (U11-14) please contact Kevin Hoeprich.
Burbank Park Fall Training Sessions
August - November
Multiple days, and times available
Burbank Park Spring Training Sessions
January - April
Multiple days, and times available