Pre-Participation Exams (Physicals)
Here at the Baton Rouge Soccer Club, we strive to provide the highest quality of care for our athletes. When it comes to medical care, we want to ensure each of our competitive athletes has gone through appropriate screening.
Physicals are a required component for athletes who wish to participate in competitive programming with BRSC. They help:
- Document athletic eligibility
- Obtain parental consent for participation and emergency treatment
- Identify those conditions that predispose the athlete to injury
- Detect life-threatening or disabling conditions

Pre-participation examinations (PPE) are required to play in BRSC's Competitive Program. Physicals must be turned in and approved by the Director of Sports Medicine prior to participating in BRSC-sanctioned activities. For most players, the first event of the season would be team camp. The PPE is divided into separate sections: demographics, medical history, parents’ waiver form, and medical examination. All sections of the PPE must be completed. The medical examination must be completed and signed off by an MD, DO, APRN, or PA. All PPE must be submitted on Healthy Roster. If the medical examination indicated a referral for further evaluation, please submit a clearance note from the provider along with the PPE. BRSC staff will NOT accept paper copies.
BRSC is partnered with the Baton Rouge Orthopaedic Clinic (BROC). The BROC Foundation hosts Game Day Prep, a Saturday morning event where middle school and high school students in Baton Rouge or surrounding areas can get a FREE PPE. You can read more about this opportunity here. Parents/guardians are welcome to come to the Game Day Prep event and walk through with their athlete. We request the first page of the LHSAA Physical form be filled out before arrival.
If there are any questions about the Pre-Participation Exams, please contact the Director of Sports Medicine, Riley Proffer.
If there are any questions about Physicals Day or the PPE form, please contact the Director of Sports Medicine at 225-924-2157 or