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BRSC has a set of emergency action plans to help staff and members to be best prepared in potentially life-threatening situations. The pdf provides plans for Burbank, Central, Zachary, Independence Park, and Olympia Stadium. Questions about the BRSC Emergency Action Plan can be directed to the BRSC Sport Medicine Director.

The emergency action plan for each BRSC park can be found below each field map on our FIELDS page.


The lighting system at Burbank Soccer Complex is set to alert when there is lightning within an 8-mile radius of the park. This alert is one loud blast from our two-horn system on top of the pavilion by field 6, and the bathroom by field 17. You can see the signal after the first horn has gone off by the flashing lights on top of those structures. When you hear the horns from the lightning alert system, have your players, coaches, and fans pick up all of their belongings and find shelter.
The safest place to be during a lightning delay at Burbank is in your vehicle with all doors closed and windows rolled up. We currently have three lightning-safe pavilions located by fields 4, 6, and 20 in the event parents and players are unable to make it to their vehicles.

Lightning Strike

When the lightning has moved out of an 8-mile radius for the duration of 30 minutes, the horns will sound the all-clear which is a series of 3 short horn bursts, and the flashing lights will turn off. At this point, it is safe to re-enter the fields.

Independence, Zachary, and Central Systems

If lightning is within a 8-mile radius of any of these three parks, we will send out a mass text message to the appropriate locations
alerting that there is a lightning delay for that location and to clear the fields quickly. When you receive the lightning alert text
message, have your players, coaches, and fans pick up all of their belongings and find shelter. The safest place to be during a
lightning alert at these locations is in your vehicle, with all doors closed and windows rolled up. When the lightning has moved out of a 10-mile radius for 30 minutes, you will receive an All-Clear text message. At this point, it is safe to re-enter the fields. The Perry Weather and Lightning System link is on our BRSC home page.


The BRSC Heat Policy is to help protect players during temperature extremes typically encountered at the start of the fall season and toward the end of the season. The Heat Policy defines all of the metrics used to make decisions on the adjustments of game and practice schedules. It also includes necessary information parents and guardians need to know to help identify signs of heat-related illnesses.

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