BRSC Summer Indoor Academy
We are taking BRSC Academy indoor for a 5-week program that will begin on June 18 and run through July 23. Training sessions will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:30-6:45 pm.
The Summer Academy is open to U6-U9 (2018-2015) Boys and Girls. The Academy Director has worked diligently on designing a unique and varied program that will incorporate technical training, skills, and games. The Summer Academy will incorporate two practice sessions indoors per week. The practice sessions will take place on the indoor field at Premier Soccer Center.
The coaches for the program will include Academy Director Andy Smothermon, Executive Director Louie Smothermon, and other Academy staff coaches.
There will be a limited number of participants in this program.
Ages: (U6 – U9) Boys and Girls
Cost: $250 – 2 days a week
Location: Premier Soccer Center
Player Kit:
Summer Academy players can train in the Black Academy jerseys or the White Recreation jerseys.
Schedule :
Summer Academy players can train in the Black jerseys or the White Recreation jerseys.
*Please have the players bring a soccer ball and water bottle to each practice session.
*Players need to wear indoor soccer shoes or tennis shoes on the field. (No cleats allowed)