What is the Player Placement Process (PPP)?
The BRSC Player Placement Process (PPP) is the first step for players to join the competitive program. The competitive program is divided into a fall and spring season with a break for the winter holidays. Players will learn and develop under the direction of qualified, licensed, and highly-trained coaches whose goal is to provide the best soccer environment possible. Competitive teams will play in a statewide league and compete for state championships at various levels.
To properly place on teams, BRSC holds a two-day evaluation process for boys and girls born in 2002 to 2011. BRSC coaches run players through soccer-specific and realistic activities to asses each player’s skillsets. Minimal coaching instruction is given to players other than the necessary information for players to perform the assigned activity. Our goal is to have players comfortable and focused on the task at hand. This allows BRSC to perform a more accurate and comprehensive evaluation of the players. As coaches are reviewing each player, they look for the five components of soccer:
- Technical Ability – skill proficiency
- Technical Speed – ability to execute skill at top speed
- Tactical Application – understanding of time and space, movement with and without the ball, field vision, ability to combine with other players, speed of thought, etc.
- Physical Attributes – speed, strength on the ball (tackling & shielding ball)
- Psychological Dimensions – competitiveness, work ethic, interaction with teammates, coachability, etc.
The typical PPP outline varies between age groups, but is typically set up as follows:
Day 1:
- Players will be issued a number at check-in/registration
- 5 minutes Ice Breaker (fun games) & Stretch
- 15 minutes of technical application (First touch, dribbling, passing, receiving and turning, etc.)
- 5 minutes break
- 20 minutes of small (1V1, 3v2, 3v3) group tactical application possession oriented games
- 5 minutes break
- 35 minutes of large (4V4-5V5) group games (this allows us to see if the players can transfer their technical and tactical skills into the big game)
- 5 minutes cool down – closing
Note: Goalkeepers will work with our goalkeeper coach for the entire session
Day 2:
- 5 minutes Warm-up & Stretch
- 15 minutes of technical application (First touch, dribbling, passing, receiving and turning, etc.)
- 5 minutes break
Two 30 minutes of large (8V8-9V9) group games (this allows us to see if the players can transfer their technical and tactical skills into the big game). - 5 minutes cool down – closing
Note: Goalkeepers will be integrated with the rest of the field players after the first twenty-five minutes
After each session, coaches get together to share evaluations. The staff then uses these assessments to place players on a team best suited for his or her abilities. Invitations are sent via email one to two weeks following PPP. If you have questions about Player Placement Process or the BRSC Competitive Program, please contact Marvin Smith.