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Heat PSA

The summer temperatures have required some adjustments to program schedules as we begin the fall season. BRSC Athletic Trainer Riley Proffer put together some helpful information to educate players and parents on what goes into these decisions as well as tips to keep players safe as we navigate the summer heat.

WBGT (Wet-bulb globe temperature) accounts for ambient temperature, relative humidity, wind, and radiation from the sun. Our weather system, Perry Weather, has this temperature. The device is on the northwest pole on field 4, about 40 feet in the air. When available, we want to take this temperature about 3 feet above the field. This temperature is often different than what is being measured 40 feet above the fields.

Below is the chart we use for our heat modifications. This is adapted from national recommendations and the US Soccer heat guidelines.

Alert Level WBGT Reading Recommendations
Black >92.0°F (33.4°C) No outdoor training, delay training until cooler WBGT reading, or cancel training
Red 90.1-91.9°F (32.2-33.3°C) Maximum of 1 hour of training with 4 separate 4-minute breaks within the hour. No additional conditioning allowed.
Orange 87.1-90.0°F (30.5-32.2°C) Maximum of 2 hours of training with four separate 4-minute breaks, OR a 10-minute break every 30 minutes of training.
Yellow 82.2-87.0°F (27.8-30.5°C) Three separate 4-minute breaks each hour, OR a 12-minute break every 40 minutes of training.
Green <82.1°F (27.8°C) Normal activities. 3 separate 3-minute breaks each hour of training, OR a 10-minute break every 40 minutes.



Wet Bulb Globe Temperature Monitoring | Korey Stringer Institute ( – KSI WBGT Monitoring (Main points at bottom of page)

Environmental Conditions — Recognize to Recover – US Soccer

1609024+Heat+Guidelines.pdf ( – US Soccer Heat Guidelines

Hydration | Korey Stringer Institute ( – KSI Hydration

Signs of External Heat Sickness

Hydration Tips for Soccer Players



Hydration reminders and tips-

Pack adequate supplies of water and a sports drink.

  • This is going to require more than one bottle. Even if it is “the big jug” we request that players bring two water bottles
  • Sports drinks should be included in any activity lasting more than 1 hour
  • Cold beverages are consumed more. During hot weather, it may be smart to pack drinks in a small cooler to maintain temperature.
  • Using a straw increases the consumption of beverages. Consider using a water bottle with a straw or adding a straw to the bottle you already have.
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