Letter from Executive Director Regarding Weather
Dear BRSC Members,
Thank you all for your patience and understanding this spring as we work through this weather.
We have received an excessive amount of rain at all of the parks we program and, in particular,
at the Burbank Soccer Complex. The consistent volume of rain has created many unplayable
field conditions at all of the parks. We walk the fields daily and determine which fields are
playable. Please stay off any playing areas that have field closed signage, and please notify the
BRSC staff if you see people playing on closed fields.
We are working with our directors, coaches, and managers to deliver training sessions and
games the best we can. We are moving some teams from Burbank to Independence Park, and
many others are securing indoor options.
Our staff and directors will be working with their programs and coaches on rescheduling plans.
We try to make weather decisions between 12-2 pm daily and post those updates on our website.
We will be posting updates on brsoccer.org, social media, text, and email as soon as we
make decisions.
Best regards in soccer,
BRSC Leadership