Dealing with Disappointment w/ Cancellations
The abrupt halt to the spring soccer season affects each player differently. It’s important to understand and address those feelings with our children as we navigate these challenging times. This helpful article from Positive Coaching Alliance provides some steps parents, coaches, and players can take to overcome these unfortunate circumstances the same way he or she does on the field. Please take the time to read and review the steps you can take to assist your child. Your support is more important now than ever.
“Beyond some of the ways you might talk to your student-athlete during this time, there also other action steps you can take. For instance, as a coach, you might think about ways your team can stay connected and motivated to help alleviate the disappointment. As a parent, you might take the time to connect with your kids by playing sports at home. Ultimately, there are always ways to make ourselves, our teammates, and our community better, and you can see some of those action steps (beyond the talking points above) outlined here:”