Competitive Team Camp Update
Dear members,
I wish to inform you that the BRSC leadership has decided to modify our Team Camp structure for next week. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience to your family as a result of this decision. Please rest assured that we have explored all possible options to provide a full camp. Yesterday, we met withthe BREC staff to discuss BRSC field usage, re-opening the back of Burbank on July 26, closing the front of Burbank for field repairs starting July 30, etc. Subsequently, Caleb Hatcher, Sports Turf Manager BREC, informed us that Burbank has taken on a record 24 inches of rain this past summer, and we still have two more weeks left in July. We were all in agreement that it is in the best interest of preserving our Burbank fields to forego conducting camp at the complex as initially scheduled. To this end, we will modify our Team Camp schedule next week to allow ALL teams to conduct two practices at their current scheduled practice times for the fall at our Independence Park Complex. We have amended the field assignments on our practice matrix to depict the field space each team will be using. Your coach or manager will also inform you of the field assignment for next week.
– Teams will utilize the current practice schedule (Indy Fields).
– Black level teams will practice on Tuesday and Thursday. Coaches discretion regarding changes
depending on player availability, weather and or field conditions.
– There will be no goalkeeper training this week; they will practice with their team.
– Players are required to wear practice gear: Dress code- black jersey, shorts, and socks.
We appreciate your consideration and patience in dealing with this modification. The unprecedented amount of rainfall has rendered Burbank virtually unplayable.
The updated practice matrix is now available here.