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Hydration Tips for Soccer Players

Hydration Tips for Soccer Players

As we approach BRSC’s Competitive Team Camp and the new season, it is imperative for all players to hydrate before, during, and after training sessions. Hydration is crucial for soccer players, as dehydration can lead to a decline in performance, muscle cramps, fatigue, and even heat-related illnesses. We have compiled some helpful tips for hydrating effectively:

Before Training:

  • Start hydrating well in advance. Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day leading up to your training session, aiming to consume around 2-3 liters (68-101 ounces) of water daily.
  • Monitor your urine color. It should be pale yellow, which indicates proper hydration. Dark urine is a sign of dehydration.
  • Consume a carbohydrate-focused meal 2-4 hours before training. This will help ensure you have adequate energy stores.
  • Continue hydration with water or sports drink in the hour leading up to training.

During Training:

  • Drink fluids before, during, and after training to maintain hydration levels. Aim to drink 5-9 ounces of water every 15-30 minutes during training sessions.
  • For intense, prolonged workouts lasting more than an hour, consider consuming a sports drink containing electrolytes to replace sodium, potassium, and other minerals lost through sweat.
  • Bring multiple water bottles during hotter and/or longer training sessions, team camp, or game days
  • Bring electrolyte/sports drinks in addition to water

After Training:

  • Replenish fluids within 30 minutes of completing your training session. Water, coconut water, or a sports drink can be good options.
  • Consume a high-carbohydrate snack within one hour of completing the training session to replenish glycogen stores. Some examples of this may be a recovery shake, yogurt, fruit, or cereal bar.
  • Consume a well-balanced post-workout meal more than 2 hours following the completion of the training session that includes carbohydrates to replenish glycogen stores and protein to support muscle recovery.
  • Monitor your body weight before and after training. For every kilogram lost during exercise, consume around 1.5 liters (50 ounces) of fluid to rehydrate. For every pound lost during exercise, consume around 24 ounces of fluid to rehydrate. There should not be more than a 1% difference in morning body weight day-to-day.

Additional Tips:

  • Avoid excessive caffeine, as it can increase dehydration.
  • Consider using a sports water bottle with measurements to track your fluid intake accurately.
  • Incorporate hydrating foods into your diet, such as fruits, vegetables, and soups, which have high water content.
  • Listen to your body and drink when you feel thirsty. Thirst is a reliable indicator of the body’s need for fluids.

Remember, proper hydration is an ongoing process. Following these guidelines will help you maintain optimal hydration levels and enhance your performance on the field. A registered dietitian or healthcare professional can provide recommendations customized to your concerns or medical conditions.

Consult our Sports Medicine Education Page for additional helpful tips and resources.




Summer’s high temperatures put student-athletes at increased risk of heat illness. There are several types of heat illness. They range in severity, from heat cramps and heat exhaustion, which are common but not severe, to heat stroke, which can be deadly. Although exertional heat stroke can be fatal, death is preventable if it’s quickly recognized and properly treated.


Timing is everything, even when it comes to nutrition. Consuming the proper foods at the right time will help with endurance and performance during workouts, practices, and games.


Riley Proffer

Riley Proffer


Riley grew up in Indianapolis. He spent most of his life playing a variety of sports with his primary sport being basketball. Riley eventually moved to Bloomington, IN to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training at Indiana University. It is through this experience that he gained an abundance of experience with a vast array of different athletic training settings. He spent his senior year working with the IU Women’s Soccer program. This is where he first discovered his interest in working as a soccer athletic trainer.

Once graduating, he continued diversifying his skillset by working as an athletic trainer in a physical therapy clinic and with local high schools in Indianapolis for a year. At the conclusion of that year, he moved to Gainesville, FL to pursue a Doctor of Athletic Training degree at the University of Florida. Throughout this experience he had residencies as an outreach AT to local high schools and a junior college, with the University of Florida Department of Recreational Sports, working closely with the university club sports teams, and the university Navy/Marine Reserve officer training corps. In addition to his involvement with BRSC, Riley is active in his alumni associations and in athletic training organizations at the state, regional, and national level.


Licensed Athletic Trainer – Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners
Certified Athletic Trainer – Board of Certification for the Athletic Trainer
Doctor of Athletic Training – University of Florida
Bachelor of Athletic Training – Indiana University
Graston Technique Specialist – Graston Technique, LLC


Scott Areceneaux

Assistant Athletic Trainer

Scott is a highly decorated Secondary School Athletic Trainer and the longtime Athletic Trainer at St. Amant High School. He lobbied the Louisiana Athletic Trainer Association for a secondary school committee in 1997. It became the catalyst for improving the secondary school setting. That committee is credited with giving the start to the Safe Sports School Award and the ATLAS project. That committee in 2002, also worked with the Board of elementary and secondary schools to implement the Athletic trainer as a career and technical instructor. Opening the door to a huge influx of secondary schools to employ Athletic Trainers.

He served as the Athletic Trainer coordinator from 1996 -2002 for the LHSAA All-Star Games. In 2011 and 2012 he was chosen to be the Head Athletic Trainer for Team Louisiana football team in the Bayou Bowl. He was an original member of the LHSAA’s first Sports Medicine Advisory Committee. For those efforts working with both the coaches association and high school sports association, he was recognized by LHSCA for his distinguished service in 2012. He worked with his school district to expand athletic trainers in his district and improve pay. His district went from 2 athletic trainers to 14. Those efforts also garnered them more pay for the care they provided. His school became nationally recognized by the NATA three times as a Safe Sports School. (2013 -16, 2016-19, 2019-22).

In 2013, he was selected as the SEATA High School Athletic Trainer of the Year. He has served as a longtime member of the LATA secondary school committee. In 2016 he was elected to be the LATA president through 2018. He continues to serve on the executive committee as past president, president-elect and will serve as president from 2022-24.

In 2018, he garnered the prestigious NATA service award for his work for the profession and his involvement in important sports safety legislation in the state. He has worked on legislation making it a requirement to have AEDs on all school campuses. He was part of legislation that recognized best practices for serious sports injury.

In 2017, Scott was invited to help move the needle to improve sports safety policy in Louisiana. That movement became TUFSS. In 2020 Louisiana signed into law ACT 259 that opened the door for the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education to implement best practices for EAPs, WBGT, Cold water immersion, Heat acclimatization, and coaches education. Through the efforts of the Louisiana TUFSS group, they moved Louisiana from 42 to 9th in sports policy.

In 2020, he was awarded the highest honor by the Louisiana Athletic Trainer Association, being inducted into their Hall of Fame. The NATA recognized him in 2021 for 25 years of service. Recently, Scott retired from 30 years of service as the Director of Sports Medicine for St Amant High School.



  • NATA Service Award
  • SEATA High School Athletic Trainer of the Year
  • LATA Hall of Fame
  • LATA Bob Goodwin Award of Merit
  • Coursons Care Award
  • LHSAA Distinguished Service Award
  • APSP Core Value Medal Recipient
  • St. Amant High School Shirt of Their Back Award – 50x
  • LATA President 2016-2018, 2022-2024



  • Licensed Athletic Trainer – Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners
  • Certified Athletic Trainer – Board of Certification for the Athletic Trainer
  • Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology and Health Sciences – Southeastern Louisiana University
  • Associate Degree of Science – Neosho County Community College
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